
Photo by Annie Leibovitz

A few weeks ago, Bruce Jenner, Olympic gold-medal winner, and the patriarch of the Kardashian clan, came out as transgendered, but at that time, Bruce didn’t reveal himself. Earlier this month, the world was introduced to Caitlyn Jenner, as she became the first transgender to grace the cover of Vanity Fair.

Click here to read the teaser of the cover story.

The photos (and the teaser article) have sparked countless debates, arguments, and even fights, particularly in the US. An article from Washington Post sheds some light onto this issue.

Your writing prompt of the day consists of these questions:

  1. Do you know any trans people?
  2. What do you think of trans people? Do they scare you? Do you think they’re discriminated against?
  3. How would you feel if your close friend revealed that he or she is transitioning to become someone of the opposite sex?

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