Category Archives: Quiz

Memory Loss

Today is a special treat. We’re going to talk a little bit about memory, write a little bit about memory, and play a game!

Let’s begin by watching this video.

Memory is such a precious thing. Through memory, we learn. Through memory, we also feel. Memory is also connected to the brain, which is fragile, hence why we should always protect our head. Alzheimer’s disease comes with old age, and growing old is something that is inevitable.

Your writing prompt for the day is this:

Do you think memory loss is the worst disease or is there another disease that you think is worse than memory loss? What is it and how is it worse than memory loss?

Once we’re done, we’re going to take our time to play a game.

Follow this link to the vocabulary quiz based on The New York Times’ movie review of Sunset Boulevard.

What’s Luck Have to Do with It?

Last week, we wrote about hard work and talent. We almost forgot about one aspect that needed to be taken into consideration: Luck.

The concept of luck has been known for millennia (that’s plural for “millennium”), from ancient Egypt to ancient China.

Some people dismiss luck as nonsense, a mumbo-jumbo. This is usually because relying on luck makes one lazy (“Why work hard when I have luck?”) and or delusional (“I don’t need talent! I’m lucky!”). However, luck is still prevalent. People still say, “Good luck!” and we still hear miracle stories about people that survive natural disasters and cheat death by not getting on fallen planes.

What about you? Do you have a luck story? Do you think you’re lucky? Do you even believe in luck? Or do you think you’re unlucky?

Treat of the day: Preposition Quiz!

Leap Year and Quizzes

It’s 2015, which means there are only 28 days in February. Nevertheless, February remains the only month that has different numbers of days.

What about you? What makes you stand out? What makes you special?

Once you’re done, we can review our Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes by taking these quizzes:

Rooting Out Words

Adjective Words Building Game by ESL Games World